2022 Changelog Archives
- Added three more pens to the pen reviews!
- Uploaded a lot of work (I've been chipping away at it for at least a week now) on a hidden part of the site.
- Updated commission status.
- Continued work on simplifying my stylesheet; currently working on cutting out unneccesary classes now that I know more CSS selectors. Generally cleaning up while I'm at it. This site's stylesheet needs it after well over a year of changes.
- Added one or two thoughts on the Pilot G2 that I forgot on the first pass.
- Bought some pens and posted an article with my thoughts on them. I've been a bit fixated on stationary this week.
- Swapped main page background changes to inline because all I was changing in the end was the background- a whole separate sheet for that seems excessive.
- Other minor CSS tweaks (subtle gradient in
- Fixed broken stylesheet references on the resource pages.
- Added two links on the Other Resources page.
- Minor FAQ and gender updates.
- Added a thin border-bottom to h3-h6 for better visual contrast.
- Made the header and footer consistent across most of the main page styles. They still get their own backgrounds, but this adds some cohesion between pages.
- Specified when I can't be reached on the Contact page. I recently set up my devices so I won't be notified after 04:00 UTC
- Added Testimonials.
- Worked on cleaning up the main stylesheet. It's an ongoing process of figuring out what's no longer needed and what can be simplified or cut.
- Customized some stylesheets (may or may not keep these long-term, but thought it would be fun to play with):
- Added gummy sharks.
- Gave the Contact page a boat.
- Forested the About page to ensure an immersive visit to the National Institute for Polymorphic Abominations.
- Blueprinted the Projects page.
- Gave the FAQ some diamond tiles.
- Corrected a particularly ironic typo: it should have been "how to read", not "hot to read".
- Added to the computer journal: Changing the Linux console font.
- Added my Really Good Grilled Cheese recipe.
- FAQ phrasing tweaks for clarity and accuracy.
- Added Thoughts on "Just Do Yoga".
- Added Thoughts on Journaling.
- Updated the FAQ with a question I do get a lot (that I'm getting a bit tired of).
- Started working on some Magnus Archives fanfiction; put it up so I could send the WIP to friends.
- Added PluralNotes GUI to the Projects page. First functional version, woohoo!
- Made the Coping Skills link on the Projects page direct to the PDF itself. HTML version still exists, but I realized there's no way I'm keeping both updated. ODT format on my Codeberg.
- Updated the document form of the Coping Skills page to include information on trauma, dissociation, anxiety, depression, shadow work, and journaling. Noted on the page that the document has even more information than the site version. TODO: refine skill phrasing and update page to match the document.
- Switched body font to Atkinson Hyperlegible.
- Added an RSS feed for my Projects page!
- Moved the contents of "Fun Freeware Games" to the Tech Resources page.
- Uploaded an HTML version of my Linux distribution spreadsheet and linked it in Tech Resources.
- Published An Ode to MP3 Players. I'm actually pretty proud of this one.
- Renamed the "Assorted Thoughts" header in Projects to "Bloglets" and put the computer journal up there. Seemed appropriate to group those two together since they're both short logs of things that I've been thinking about or doing.
- Created a tech directory and moved relevant articles there- redirected ones I know are linked elsewhere, but it might be good to check and update any links when you have the chance.
- Published Search Better.
- Added yet more assorted links to Other and Tech Resources. I may stop including this in the sitelog from here forward unless there's a particularly large or notable link-dump.
- Added even more assorted links to Other Resources.
- Added a section for color schemes to Tech Resources.
- Added more assorted links to Other and Tech Resources. Working on filling out the Games and Help Yourself sections, as well as adding a few odds and ends I keep meaning to get to.
- Moved my link pages (bookmarks) to the top of the Projects page. I'm usually looking for those when I browse to that page, so it made sense to move them up and save myself some scrolling.
- Added a lot of assorted links to Other and Tech Resources.
- Added a Games section to Tech Resources. Not much in there yet, but I plan to add more soon.
- Added a Help Yourself section to Other Resources.
- Added several fixes for virtual machines to the Computer Journal- specifically, fixes involving SPICE and performance.
- Actually finished the Dwarf Fortress Diaries' fort one embark page. The first year of play is now properly up on the site! Images in future updates will likely be yearly rather than seasonal (unless something particularly wild or notable happens).
- Added HTTP Cats to tech resources. Added a cat to the 404 page for this site.
- Minor tweaks to the about page.
- Added Thoughts on Mail.
- Updated GPG key.
- Added duraconf to tech resources.
- Embarked on the Dwarf Fortress Diaries! Still a WIP.
- Added The Attention Economy to Tech Resources, and Disobedient to Other Resources.
- Added the Dwarf Fortress Diaries.
- Added a few more links to Other Resources.
- Added Profilebuilder to Tech Resources.
- Added Thoughts on Online Community.
- Added two stories to Other Resources.
- Removed the social medias section from the contact page because I'm never on any of them.
- Added More Thoughts on Recovery.
- Scooted Assorted Thoughts to the top of the Projects page and cleaned up its description.
- Unlisted the Niche Zone from the Projects page and sitemap. If you need a link or just want a copy of an article, feel free to email me and I'll send it your way.
- Reformatted Other Resources and added quite a few extra links to it.
- Reorganization of the Niche Zone in preparation for removing it from the Projects page. I'd like to have that page stand on its own; at some point I want to give it its own variant of the stylesheet.
- Editing and re-publishing of an article in the Niche Zone; basically rewrote half of it so it's easy to read instead of being a thick mess. I'm getting better at being clear and concise!
- Added I Don't Hate Her to the stories list. More oneshots with these two are planned!
- Added a note about the Niche Zone to the Projects page. Please give it a look when you have the chance if that page matters to you.
- Added another disclaimer to the coping skills list, as well as a section on self-harm.
- Added a few tech resources.
- Added my computer journal.
- Added Pluralpedia to the plural resources.
- Improved phrasing on one of the older articles so it's easier to read (ongoing project).
- Added some coping skills that I didn't think of yesterday.
- Added an article on coping skills I learned in therapy.
- Typo correction on yesterday's article!
- Finished and added Terrifying Rhythm Games.
- More FAQ tweaks. What can I say? I like making little changes.
- More FAQ tweaks.
- Put up a few semi-finished articles in the niche section that I'm probably never going to finish otherwise- you get whatever I had going!
- Fixed a typo in the
PQR- was no one going to tell me it said "thos" instead of "those"?
- Minor FAQ tweaks.
- Added a story to Other Resources ("Cat Pictures, Please".
- Added
Owls People Have Sent Me. Send me more owls! - Added
Approximations of Gender. A perpetual work in progress as I get the energy and ideas for more metaphors.
- Added Thoughts on Social Media.
- Added Thoughts on Fear, as well as a terrible drawing of a kitten at the bottom of the Assorted Thoughts page.
- Removed one or two thoughts.
- Changed author name across entire site. I'm now Owl, not Owls. The timing felt right to formally change that.
- Significant changes to a few FAQ answers ("Who are you?", "But aren't you [label]?")
- Minor tweaks to other FAQ answers.
- Changed "Vim or Emacs?" to "Arbitrary computer opinions?" in FAQ.
- Added links to Tech Resources.
- Added the booklist page.
- CSS tweaks to header size and weight.
- "Contact" now leads straight to the contact page. Commissions linked from that.
- Moved the alterhumanity definition to its own page. Removed that question from the FAQ.
- More FAQ tweaks. Added a question or two.
- Renamed the "niche weirdness zone" to the "niche community zone".
- Adjusted commission rates.
- Fixed yesterday's log date. Pretty sure it's not August right now.
- Added one MUD client to the new article (a better browser-based option).
- Added A Beginner's Guide to MUDs. Started marking the newest article as new.
- Shuffled around the Projects page's organization again.
- Added license meta tags to every page (GPL 3.0 or later).
- Fixed the link to the weird zone page- whoops, my bad! Should work now.
- Fixed yesterday's sitelog's malformed datetime.
- Added Nix OS to the distro review article.
- Removed Soundcloud from my contact page because I don't upload music there as of now- it's full, and I'm not forking out cash every month just to upload more. Less frequent releases to Bandcamp it is!
- Added Reviewing Linux Distros by How Well Their Logos Would Work as Weapons.
- Added a few tech resources (more coming, I've been neglecting it).
- Replaced the owl enclosure image on the About page.
- Tweaked a few questions in the FAQ. Added more silly questions.
- Created one big directory page for articles about various communities (plurality, alterhumanity) and moved all relevant articles onto that. I want to encourage myself to write more about my interests and side projects, as well as to write and share more stories. I'm working on one about a flesh monster right now, actually.
- Fixed malformed datetimes in the sitelog (lots of July 4ths in there!).
- Added a page dedicated to Arclight by Joslin McQuein.
- Added an article about being a polymorph.
- Updated gender descriptor on about page (back to what it was before the last edit).
- Updated species info in FAQ and added two questions.
- Added Ordinary Parts. It's about IFS therapy.
- Added thoughts on recovery to Assorted Thoughts.
- Added a few more words to the glossary.
- Reduced width of reading area to match accessibility guidelines (80 characters maximum; the code is
max-width: 80ch;
). - Moved all resource pages to Projects and changed header link to "Contact".
- Changed the header navigation to be a proper HTML list like it should have been from the beginning. Thanks,
display: inline-block
! - Added the Median Talk resource since I don't plan on finishing it in the near future. Hopefully what's there helps someone.
- Improved plurality definition page and added it to the directory.
- Added another article to other resources.
- Continued FAQ tweaks and typo fixes.
- Added a few articles to other resources.
- Updates to FAQ.
- Removed duplicate article from Projects page.
- Moved plural resource links page onto plural directory page, re-titled to Plural Archives. Link is still the same.
- Fixed missing pages on sitemap.
- Removed most text from index.
- Removed link to Kaz from About page.
- Minor updates to about and FAQ pages.
- Added "The President is Dead" to the Projects page.
- Removed redundant html tag (I had it thrice somehow? Whoops) and tweaked OpenGraph references now that I know it's not hard to do it myself instead of outlinking to an XHTML fragment.
- Re-categorized articles on projects page.
- Continued work on articles.
- Removed an unnecessary content warning and tweaked article template.
- Added several sites to other resources.
- Updated my pronouns to "any, but I'm fond of it/its". Minor updates to gender labels on the about page.
- Added a guide on conflicts to the resources page. Local copy hosted with the author's permission.
- Updated Discord tag on the contact page.
- Added link to contact page on the index so it's a little less buried. Email me and I'll love you.
- Added a resource that lets you test pronouns in other resources.
- Added a resource about cat genetics in other resources.
- Various minor corrections and continued work on WIP articles.
- First upload using Neocities CLI! Works great.
- Fixed typos in the fusion article. Curse you, space bar!
- Changed the meta description of Fusion Myths and Misconceptions because apparently I forgot to change it from the placeholder when I made the article.
- Updated PQR.
- Added thoughts on mortality to Assorted Thoughts.
- Started work on an article about my thoughts on blacklists in online communities.
- Continued work on an article about fusion misconceptions.
- Added Fusion Myths and Misconceptions to the projects page and sitemap.
- Added a section of fusion-related resources.
- Continued tweaks to the fusion article. I'm putting a lot more work into this than other articles because there's almost nothing else out there on the topic, and I want what I add to be authentic, clear, and useful.
- Started work on an article about fusion misconceptions.
- Added to the article about being eldritch and updated its date format.
- Realized I forgot to add Bug Spray to the site map. Whoops! It's there now.
- Minor phrasing tweaks to the FAQ, mostly about asexuality and gender.
- Continued tweaks to the fusion article.
- Continued tweaks to the fusion article. Thanks for making me think about my wording more, writing class!
- Happy May Day!
- Revised the fusion article again; mostly phrasing tweaks for clarity.
- Added Bug Spray.
- Added thoughts on mental health to Assorted Thoughts.
- Started the process of changing date formats from MM DD, YYYY to DD MM YY because it honestly makes more sense. Ordered by increasing time size!
- Added the article about being eldritch to the Projects page.
- Started work on an article about being eldritch.
- Removed a meta tag from the article template that I deleted every time I made a new article.
- Fixed blockquote spacing so it's not horrible on mobile.
- Added a good-sized chunk to the fusion article.
- Added thoughts on social media discourse to Assorted Thoughts.
- Added new links to other resources and tech resources.
- Compressed every image on the site and shaved off image loading time!
- Added kraken.io to tech resources.
- Rewrote the About page.
- Added to FAQ.
- Added thoughts on changing labels to Assorted Thoughts.
- Moved an explanation out of the FAQ.
- Improved the 404 page so it's more helpful.
- Minor tweaks to personal pages.
- Reduced size of some background images and removed unused images.
- Updated Mastodon contact information.
- Added thoughts on social privacy to Assorted Thoughts.
- Minor updates to the About page and FAQ.
- Changed site title to Owl's Nest (scooted the apostrophe over).
- Updates to personal pages.
- Updated the alterhuman section of the FAQ.
- Added more links to Other and Tech links.
- Added OpenPGP and OMEMO keys.
- Took out some random p tags- why were those there? They weren't even closed!
- Added a page for commissions.
- Fixed skip to section links on resource pages.
- Tweaked FAQ.
- Added a section to Other Resources.
- Removed most blinkies (not that there were many to begin with) because they're an accessibility issue.
- Updates and tweaks to About and FAQ page content.
- Changed a lot of CSS units to em now that I know what that means. Em is related to the font size of the parent container: 1em is the font size, 2em is twice the font size, etc. If there's no parent, then 1em is the browser's set font size. This means that if someone raises the font size in their browser, this website will now respect that size increase.
- Corrected typos on resource pages.
- Tweaked the foreword of the Fusion article to flow better.
- Revised the Integration article to improve readability.
- Renamed the Integration article to Fusion.
- Successfully fixed footer focus styling. It works now and you can tell when you've tabbed to it.
- Tweaked the PQR plurality definition to match the FAQ one. Short and simple.
- Added links to the tech resources.
- Created a sitemap.
- Made focus more obvious.
- Started trying to fix focus styling issues with the footer. Failed; more work needed.
- Changed About page icon to a slightly downsized version with a head covering.
- Added colons to entries in the glossary because I apparently forgot to add the colon to a few of them.
- Continued work on simplifying and clarifying definitions in the glossary.
- Removed alt tags on links, replacing with aria-describedby when absolutely necessary; it turns out alt isn't intended to be used for links. Whoops.
About time I put update logs on a page, isn't it? Today's changelog:
- Added thoughts to Assorted Thoughts.
- Changed all of the div class="main" to main tags because it turns out that there's a tag for that.
- Added this page.
- Tweaked alt text in a few places after reading through guidelines to better understand what's needed.
Still working on this. - Added title text here and there; working on having title text for all definitions.
- Changed the p tags on the contact page into address tags because it turns out there's a tag for that too.
- Edited the content of the index and FAQ pages.