Moved Pointers to its own subdomain and automated formatting for it to lower the barrier to continuing it. I can feel the "pick it back up" story bug jittering in my head, so let's make it happen!
Re-added CMYK to the directory page. There's clearly a gap here.
Minor revisions to "I Don't Hate Her" to improve readability and remove redundant phrasing where it's not needed.
Fixed "back to article directory" links on articles to point at the new directory.
We're so back.Added to Pointers. Also dropped out a section that was freezing up my ability to continue.
Re-added Pointers to the directory page (oops!).
Reworked the landing page for Pointers.
Major breaking change: please check your links and change them to match the new locations of... just about every article, if I'm honest. Sorry. It had to be done.
Completely overhauled the article directory page to allow me to auto-generate it and categorize it more easily. May or may not figure out how to re-add descriptions, but this works for now.
Also overhauled the sitemap page to generate automatically (sorry for the loss of clear structuring, but there's more on there and less human error as a result).
The latest page is down until I rework that script to deal with the new site directory structure behind this change.
Removed a missed reference to the guestbook (I need to rewrite it from the ground up now that I feel comfortable with PHP).
Fixed all the sitelong links on this page where I forgot to add target="_parent". Oops.
Added a digital garden page. I've kept these notes in Markdown with Obsidian this whole time, so I took it as a chance to use a proper static site generator to chuck them out there. I went with Quartz for my static site generator of choice. I'm also making use of the Johnny Decimal system to organize the whole thing. I need this system to hold up for a decent amount of time as I add more notes to it, and while I expect some things to move around, this limits the damage.
Completely overhauled my music page! You might need to update your bookmarks for this one.
I'm working on a big project: a visual novel! You are a horrible flesh monster trying to get used to the whole flesh monster thing while eating people to survive (and debating the morality of it along the way). Release is a good ways out, but I thought you guys might like knowing that's in progress.
New year, new owl! Updated the Honeydew portrait on the index page.