Fixed all the sitelong links on this page where I forgot to add target="_parent". Oops.
Added a digital garden page. I've kept these notes in Markdown with Obsidian this whole time, so I took it as a chance to use a proper static site generator to chuck them out there. I went with Quartz for my static site generator of choice. I'm also making use of the Johnny Decimal system to organize the whole thing. I need this system to hold up for a decent amount of time as I add more notes to it, and while I expect some things to move around, this limits the damage.
Completely overhauled my music page! You might need to update your bookmarks for this one.
I'm working on a big project: a visual novel! You are a horrible flesh monster trying to get used to the whole flesh monster thing while eating people to survive (and debating the morality of it along the way). Release is a good ways out, but I thought you guys might like knowing that's in progress.
New year, new owl! Updated the Honeydew portrait on the index page.